PC 15^50 Fellblade & mostly offhands
Yes, I did do some searches but I couldn't find items matching up the way I liked. My main PC:
1. Vampiric Fellblade of Enchanting
15-22, req. 9 Swordsmanship, 15^50, Vampiric 2/-1, Enchantments 18% longer
And a few that might hold some value (I'm relatively poor, so..):
2a. Protective Icon
Energy +12 (req. 10 Protection), Armor +4, Health -20, reduces Disease by 20%
2b. Truncheon
11-22 dmg (req. 11 Blood), halves casting (all) 9%, halves recharge Blood 15%
2c. Smiting Rod
11-22 dmg (req. 10 Smiting), halves casting (all) 8%, halves recharge Protection 16%
And my best guess is these are one step above merchant, but I just don't have a knack for guessing prices:
3a. Divine Symbol ("rare skin")
Energy +12 (req. 11 Divine Favor), Reduces Crippled by 20%
3b. Scroll
Energy +12 (req. 10 Earth), Health +23
3c. Icy Foehammer of Warding
19-35 (req. 10 Hammer), 12^50, Armor +6 (vs. ele)
3d. Protective Icon
Energy +12 (req. 8 Protection), Armor +5 (vs. physical)
3e. Defender
Armor 16 (req. 8 Strength), Recv'd damage -2 (Chance: 8%)
3f. Shield of the Wing
Armor 16 (req. 12 Tactics), Armor +5 (vs. piercing)